Iris和外籍同事要一起去參加客戶的party,外籍同事很開心的說:This is gonna be a gas.


This is gonna be a gas.


gas大家最熟悉的意思是「氣體、瓦斯、汽油、毒氣」,在日常對話中,可以指 「活潑有趣的事、令人愉快的場面、有趣的人」。例如:

Chatting with a friend is a gas.

It was really a gas to find someone I could talk with.


We sat around shooting the gas for hours.

Okay, cut the gas and let's get down to business.

That’s great! Now you’re cooking with gas!


cook with gas是一個美國的口語用法,意思是「做事有效率」。早先人們用柴火煮東西,有了瓦斯爐後烹飪過程更有效率。因此,cook with gas引申為用更高效率、更迅速的方式來完成任務。這個用法大家可能比較陌生,多看幾個例子:

Ever since Sandy took over the project, we've really been cooking with gas. The progress is amazing!

After a slow start, things finally picked up and now we're cooking with gas!

I knew she was finally cooking with gas when she answered all questions correctly.

I need to gas up.


想到「油」大家直覺反應是oil,但加油站、加油、汽油這些詞,在英文裡都沒用到oil,因為oil指的是「原油」,提煉過的汽油其實是gasoline。過去加油站提供的燃料是可燃氣體,因此加油站是gas station,儘管後來石油變成主要燃料,仍然保留gas這用法。


I'm running out of gas. Is there a gas station around here?

running out of gas引申為「非常疲倦,耗盡精力」:

The economic recovery seems to be running out of gas.

gas up是一個口語表達,意思是「給汽車加油」。例如:

I need to gas up the car before we hit the road.

Don't forget to gas up before you head out on your trip.
