Michael和外籍老闆聽了一家新創公司的提案之後,他問老闆覺得如何,老闆回答:That’s just a lot of hot air.

hot air?是天氣太熱嗎?還是氣氛太熱絡?Michael搞不清楚老闆是什麼意思。今天來看看air的道地用法。

That’s just a lot of hot air.


hot air字面意思是「熱空氣」,其實是形容冗長的話猶如一陣熱空氣,膨脹又不實際,指「大話,吹牛,誇誇其談」。例如:

I’ve heard enough of your hot air.

If she says that, she’s full of hot air.

在口語中,hot air有時會被簡化、用it代替,例如full of hot air簡化成full of it。例如:

Don't listen to a word he says, he's full of it.


A:Do you believe him?

B:I think he's full of it.

We held a meeting to clear the air.


clear the air字面意思是「清新空氣」,在對話中,經常用它的引申含義,指「消除隔閡、消除誤會」。

I had a massive argument with Michael, but at least it has cleared the air.

The team had a team-building workshop to clear the air and improve communication among members.

Don't give yourself airs.



He came into the room with an air of importance.

Don’t give yourself airs的airs是指「裝腔作勢、擺架子、矯揉造作」。airs and graces意思也差不多,例如:

He was always putting on airs and graces.
