Janet的外籍同事昨晚參加了一場客戶的party,Janet想問她是不是玩得盡興,就說:"You enjoyed yourself last night, didn't you?"(你昨晚很開心吧?)同事的回答是:"Not half !"

Janet心想:什麼,連一半都沒有,是糟透了嗎?not half的意思可能和你想的完全不同,一起來看看half的道地用法。

1.not half.



not half是一個加強肯定語氣的口語表達,意思是very much/a lot,「非常、特別」的意思。如果有人問你「昨天的party如何?」,你回答「Not half.」,就是指「特別好,很喜歡」。

not half可以單獨用,也可以搭配形容詞或動詞,例如:

I never thought we'd win. We weren't half lucky.(我從沒想到我們會贏,我們真的太幸運了。)

She didn't half shout at him(= she shouted a lot at him).(她對他大吼大叫。)

英文裡還有"not half bad"這樣的說法,是英國人很愛用的一個片語:

The proposal was not half bad.(那個案子很不錯。)

注意了,not half bad並不是指很糟,而是"surprisingly good",「意外地好、沒想到這麼好」的意思:

It's a nice place. The food there is not half bad.(這地方很好,食物也很不錯。)

分辨一下,如果是not half as,後面多了一個as,意思就變成「連一半都沒有」,例如:

It wasn't half as good as that other restaurant we went to.(這比我們去的另一家餐館差遠了。)

It's not half as easy as it looks.(這遠遠不像看上去那麼容易。)

2.I'll go halves with you on a bottle of champagne.



go halves是指「跟人分攤費用」,halves是half的複數型式,既是分攤,各取一半,共有兩個一半,所以用複數。再來看一例熟悉用法:

We decided to go halves on the expenses.(我們決定分攤費用。)

3.I'd give up work given half a chance.



given half a chance也是個好用的片語,也可以用given half the chance,意思一樣。given在句子裡是介系詞,意思是「如果有、考慮到」,given half a chance,意思是「只要有一點機會」。

4.I'm half inclined to go.




I'm half inclined to take the job just because it's in Singapore.(我有點想接受這份工作,只因爲它是在新加坡。)

I was half expecting to see her at the party.(我有點期盼在派對上見到她。)
