Eddy和外籍老闆一起去pitch一個大案子,簡報做得很精采,客戶也很欣賞。結束後,老闆說:“We’ve got it in the bag.”老闆是說「把東西裝袋子裡」嗎?今天來看bag這個字的用法。

1.We’ve got it in the bag.


In the bag有十拿九穩、勝券在握的意思。從字面上來看,東西放到袋子裡,就跑不掉了,和中文的「囊中之物」有異曲同工之妙。

  • The game is in the bag.
  • He has got the election in his bag.

2.Cooking is not my bag!


聽到That is not my bag,意思不是「那不是我的包包」。Someone’s bag字面上是某人的包包,但它也經常用來表示,某人特別喜歡或關心的東西。因此,“That is not my bag.”可以指「那不是我喜歡的事」。

  • Tennis isn't really my bag, I'm afraid.

3.Someone’s got bags of money.


Bags of…..指「有很多⋯⋯」,很多錢是bags of money,很多時間是bags of time,很多空間是bags of room。

  • Come and stay with us, we've got bags of room.
  • No need to rush, we’ve got bags of time.

4.Bag a seat



  • Bag us some decent seats if you get there first, won't you?
  • Hopefully, the government can bag a good deal with foreign investors to upgrade transport services.
