Mike幫外籍老闆聘了新秘書,他問老闆對這個秘書的看法,老闆說:She really has a lot on the ball.

Mike心想,這秘書還會打球?老闆很欣賞她的球技嗎?其實,on the ball不是打球,也不是在一顆球上!一起來看幾個和ball相關的道地用法。

She has a lot on the ball.


on the ball是形容人「很機靈」、工作很出色,總是能完成任務。就像在球場上,厲害的球員不管在哪個角落,一有機會就可以把球搶到手,也就是on the ball。


I'm so glad that my assistant is always on the ball because I'm too scatterbrained to manage my schedule on my own.

We had a ball at the party last night.



You should really come to the fair with us. It'll be a ball!


A:So how was the party last night?(昨晚的舞會怎麽樣?)
B:Oh, it was great - we had a ball!(啊,很棒,我們玩得很盡興!)

It is a whole new ball game.


a whole new ball game意思是「一個全新的,不同以往的局面」,在職場上說到a whole new ball game不只是強調全新,也代表一定程度的「困難」及「未知」,既有期待,也有擔憂。

Now that you’re here, it’s a whole new ball game.

We'd done a lot of climbing in Scotland but the Himalayas were a whole new ball game.
