Tom在科技公司負責銷售,年底公司很忙,客戶一直來催。他問產品部門是不是可以趕快出貨。同事回答:We need more bandwidth to get all the work finished.


I need more bandwidth to get all the work finished.



We just don't have the bandwidth to work on that project right now.

Do you have enough bandwidth to organize that event?

We are on the same wavelength.


wavelength原意是「波長」,看法一致、意見相同時,仿佛共處於相同的思維波長。on the same wavelength強調人與人之間的共鳴和理解,指「在思想、理解或感受上有一致的看法」,例句:

We've been working together for so long that we're on the same wavelength when it comes to problem-solving.

I mentioned the idea, and surprisingly, everyone was on the same wavelength and immediately embraced it.

It wasn't even on my radar.


radar「雷達」這個字,大家應該都熟,是偵測和跟蹤目標的技術。當一個東西on the radar,代表它在監測或關注中。你會去監測一件事,就表示你很關心它,因此on the radar 是指「受到密切關注」。某件事沒在你的radar上,意味著你沒想過它。

Tony and I have some of the same friends but he wasn't on my radar until he became my colleague.

Buying a house is not even on my radar at the moment.

有on the radar,自然也有off the radar,指「不再受到關注」。

The company's latest product release went off the radar; I haven't heard anything about it.

Ever since she changed jobs, she's been off the radar in our social circle.
